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Linda Allred
"How I Became The Hottest Ticket In Town at 74!"
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Living Well Assessment
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Jenny Battig
"My Journey to the Stage"
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Relax ... The Time Is Now
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Licia Berry
"The Voice Is an Answer"
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Do you feel the calling of your soul? Perhaps a Vision Quest is in order!
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Deborah Brown
"An Unexpected Journey"
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Check Out These *3* Bonuses ...
1. Make Your Frustration Your Fuel (audio download)
2. Six Sensational Strategies for an Optimal Leap (eBook)
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Gail Dixon
"The Heart’s Voice"
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Change Is Inevitable
Some changes are made by choice - others are made by chance. Either way --- you can resist, accept or MASTER change -- the choice is yours!
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Jamie Gilleland
"A Butterfly’s Journey"
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Sandra Hanesworth
"The Accidental Speaker"
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Want to Live at The A-List Level?
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A Proven & Easy to Follow Plan for Feeling Great and Looking Even Better!

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Ginny Milu
"Journey from Fearful to Fearless"
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Ginny Milu, Health Coach
Toxicity Quiz -- Clean Up the Toxins in Your Life

Stephanie Pimental
"From Food Stamps and Foster Care to Financial Freedom"
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We All Have Big Purposes and Dreams!
Now is the perfect time to get your money working smarter towards your big purpose.
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Johnny Regan
"The Joy of Speaking"
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Learn how the power of knowing your vision and being able to clearly communicate it will catapult your success and your joy!

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Attract Anything You Want!
Learn how to use the power of meditation to magnetize what you want in just minutes a day.
Free guided meditation MP3. Relax, de-stress and let go.

Allison Ronis
"A Bull In A China Shop"
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