Wali Waiters

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Wali Waiters has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 30 years. He began his career as a radio personality and also in television as a reporter and anchor. He is the founder/executive producer of “The Profiles Series” hosted by Academy Award winner Lou Gossett, Jr., and In View hosted by Larry King. Waiters is also founder of the Business Builders Academy where he is a high performance coach to entrepreneurs. Over the past 20 years he's been training leaders from every walk of life. He specializes in leadership training, teambuilding, sales training and has a zeal for helping people to actualize their dreams, goals and visions. He is an inspirational and motivational speaker and has been a featured speaker at Men’s Conferences, Singles Conferences and also a Keynote for business luncheons. Waiters is also an author and has two books to be released in 2017.
You can contact Wali Waiters at wali@waliwaiters.com and www.waliwaiters.com.