"All the world's a stage."
~ William Shakespeare
You've heard it before ... the fear of public speaking tops the list of fears.
That's right, most people are more afraid of speaking in public than they are of heights, flying, snakes, bugs and even drowning!
Why then would any rational human being want to put themselves in the uncomfortable position of ...
- Standing in front of the room, all eyes and ears on them
- Stepping up and being charged with the responsibility of getting and keeping the audience's attention, and
- Stretch outside their comfort zone to add value to the lives of others in this extraordinary way
Get the book today and learn how to take YOUR place on the world's stage!
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Leading Experts Share What It Takes to Claim Your Place on the World's Stage
Whether you're claiming your place on the stage in your own corner of the world or you're eager to reach all four corners of the world, this book will ...
- Ignite Your Passion
- Inspire Creativity
- Move You to Action!
Meet the Contributing Authors

Linda Allred
"How I Became The Hottest Ticket In Town at 74!"

Jenny Battig
"My Journey to the Stage"

Licia Berry
"The Voice Is an Answer"

Melanie Berry
"My Recipes for Life ~ Keep Stirring the Pot"

Varsha Bhongade
"Rebel Without, er… With a Cause"

Deborah Brown
"An Unexpected Journey"

Martin Butler
"Finding the Voice Within"

Cynthia Chevrestt
"From Unworthy to Unstoppable"

Janis David
"From Stage Fright to Performance Perfection"

Linda DeMarco

Gail Dixon
"The Heart’s Voice"

Jamie Gilleland
"A Butterfly’s Journey"

Revella Hadley
"My Training Ground"

Sandra Hanesworth
"The Accidental Speaker"

Carla Hutchinson
"My Journey from the Stage to Accidental Entrepreneur "

Ginny Milu
"Journey from Fearful to Fearless"

Kathy Pendleton
"Plan, Take Action, Evaluate, Revise, Repeat …"

Stephanie Pimental
"From Food Stamps and Foster Care to Financial Freedom"

Johnny Regan
"The Joy of Speaking"
Allison Ronis
"A Bull In A China Shop"

Beverly Sorrells
"Bouncing Back: How I Learned to Own My Space"

Cat Wagman
"The Message Propels the Messenger"
compiled and presented by
Women's Prosperity Network
Founded in 2008, Women's Prosperity Network provides a continuing community of support, education and powerful connections for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Through their ongoing workshops, seminars and mastermind sessions participants are equipped with the confidence, clarity and cutting edge strategies to grow personally and professionally. Learn more about WPN at WomensProsperityNetwork.com
Nancy Matthews, Trish Carr & Susan Wiener