Jean-Marc Berne

Chapter Title:
"Tapping into the Power of My Voice"
Jean-Marc Berne helps people tap into the power of their voice to project, command confidence, speak clearly, save their voice from strain and engage their audiences, which translates into more money for their respective businesses. He’s a busy voice talent and Voice Trainer and the Voice Over coach of the animated series The Octonauts, which airs on The Disney Channel. Over the past six years Jean-Marc has created an acclaimed series of workshops, Power Marketing for the Voice Over Actor, Intro to Voice Over Technique, Spanish Voice Over Technique, Kids Voice Over Technique, Voice Over Branding: Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is! and Power Up Your Voice: 3 Simple Secrets to Project, Be Confident and Command Presence.
You can contact Jean-Marc at, or (914) 420-3022.