Olami Akinosho

Chapter Title:
"Staging with Grace"
"Life is a Journey… the World is a stage… So I owe it to myself to give expression to my life and world but mostly to walk this journey with grace." ~ Olami Akinosho
Olami Akinosho has achieved in her Journey of Life a momentous sense of self-worth that has given her a quality of life and principles for living that no money can buy. She has received recognition by stepping up and showing up as she continually walks forward through the passage of challenges in her life. Her immediate investment is the foundation she is establishing called “Cheerleaders for HUMANITY”. Her expertise has been the driving force for running a business that has given her the means to contribute to her Mother’s dignity through her dying stage and then to measure up both as a “Woman of Substance” and as an entrepreneur.
You can contact Olami at (866) 860-1064, olami@travelushs.com, or www.travelushiousconcierge.com