Tamara Chase

Chapter Title:
"I Am Enough"
Tamara Chase lives in Davie, FL, with her husband of 25 years. They have two adult children, a dog and three chickens. Tamara is a speaker, author and the CEO of a roofing company with over $3 million in annual sales. Tamara began mentoring teenager girls over ten years ago and her vision is to change the world, one teenager at a time, giving them tools of self-empowerment and teach those that have an entrepreneurial spirit the tools needed to be an ethical businesswoman. Tamara wants every woman to "be the doctor her parents always told her to marry" and if they don't want to be a doctor, then become anyone she wants to be by using personal accountability and her own wildest dreams as a road map. You can contact Tamara at Tamarachase@gmail.com and text IAmEnough to 313131 to stay connected to Tamara.