Dawn Meyer

Chapter Title:
"Journey to Possibilities"
Dawn C. Meyer is a Healing Facilitator, inspirational speaker, empowering facilitator, former Space Shuttle Engineer (“Rocket Scientist”), author, Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator and Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and transformational coach who touches lives using the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®, Reiki, massage and so much more.
Dawn uses her unique combination of skills to assist people out of their pain, trauma, drama and stories and into creating a life of expanded possibilities and joy! She assists people to stop hiding and let go of many limitations and judgments they have placed upon themselves, enabling them to generate the life they desire, even when they believe things can never change. Have you always known something else was possible but couldn’t quite get there?
To contact Dawn for further information about her books, workshops and consulting or to schedule her for a presentation or session: purple@ourawarenesscenter.com, www.OurAwarenessCenter.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/OurAwarenessCenter.