SusieQ Wood

Chapter Title:
"Speak Your Truth"
Award-winning artist, activist and entrepreneur, SusieQ, has been exhibiting her artwork since the 1970s. She shares her passion for nature and the importance of stewardship; her works can be found in public, corporate and private collections.
SusieQ became the first franchised owner of Natural Awakenings magazine, a resource to support personal and planetary health. During those first seven years, she concurrently produced the annual Expo of Heart, a showcase for vendors, speakers and artists in the movement toward wholeness. She wrote and was awarded a grant partially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and has worked on public art projects within other grants. SusieQ founded the Quintessential Global TRASHformation movement, creating art from discarded objects. As a certified speaker and successful businesswoman, she shares her powerful, creative wisdom to inspire others to redesign their todays for better tomorrows.
You can reach SusieQ at 954-630-1610,, and LinkedIn: SusieQwood.