Valerie Zollinger

Chapter Title:
"Let's Be Light for the World"
Valerie Zollinger received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work from the University of Central Florida. She has ten years of experience working with people from diverse backgrounds in various settings including mental health, hospitals, and dialysis clinics. Valerie prides herself on being loving and accepting. She has had a passion for writing and for helping others since she was a child. She is an Independent Consultant and District Manager with Arbonne International. Valerie is the President of the Board for the Bereaved Survivors of Homicide, Inc., and a member of the Junior League of Greater Orlando. Her vision is a world where all people know and understand that a healthy, powerful body leads to a healthy, powerful life. Valerie’s mission is to inspire others to make the changes necessary in their lives to step into their greatness.
Connect with Valerie at Visit her websites: and